Mobile Patent Suits [Infographic]
You probably lost track of all the mobile patent law suits. Here is a nice infographic of the current situation. [Via FlowingData]
You probably lost track of all the mobile patent law suits. Here is a nice infographic of the current situation. [Via FlowingData]
A little Father’s day present for all the geek dads reading this blog, it’s a dad’s life:
Some people wear expensive Italian suits to work, while others rather spend their money (and 3 month of their lives) on a Iron Man suit. Shanghai office worker Wang Kang falls into the last...
Like I mentioned in the previous post: it is today not only Towel day, but also Geek Pride Day. This is celebrated today, because 34 years ago the first Star Wars movie was released....
It is the 25th of May today, that means fans of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, celebrate the work of its writer Douglas Adams by carrying around a towel all day. (O, and...
Those of you follow IT news probably already know, Microsoft bought Skype for $8.5 billion. Microsoft has not yet presented the new Skype logo, but i guess it will look something like this: [Via...
A week after the Navy SEALs raided Osama Bin Laden’s hideout in Abbottabad, Counter-Strike map maker Fletch released a playable Counter-Strike Source map of Osama’s hideout. The map fy_abbottabad is currently just a shoot-and-kill...
Today Doghouse Diaries published this truth-based cartoon. You see more and more that Twitter is faster with news than the old media like TV and newspapers. Take the news about Osama Bin Laden for...
Unless you haven’t had any contact with the outside world today, you probaly know the Americans killed Osama Bin Laden. This news triggered some geeky reactions in people: