Staying In Anthem [Music Video Parody]
LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem” gets a musical makeover for those of us who neither party, nor rock. [Via]
LMFAO’s “Party Rock Anthem” gets a musical makeover for those of us who neither party, nor rock. [Via]
Musical comedian Jenny Bede stars in a Super Mario Bros. spoof of Lana Del Rey’s hit song “Video Games”. It shows what happens when a woman marries the wrong Mario Brother. [Via TDWG]
This began as my Anti-SOPA song…but turned into so much more… [Via geeksaresexy]
One day I got an email, an sms, a phone call, a Facebook message and two tweets all within about 5 seconds of one another. This video is a re-manifestation of my brain’s interpretation...
You may know Lindsay Sterling for her beautiful Legend of Zelda violin medley and the incredibly well done but also the slightly goofy music video she did for it. Well, Lindsay’s back with a...
YouTube user jwktje decided to make a remix of Levels from Avicii and the Super Mario World theme. You can find the result below. [Via YouTube]
Every protest needs a song, of course. So the guys from LaughPong wrote the song The Day The LOLcats Died. [Via consumerist]
Blake Robinson AKA dummeh creates synthetic orchestral pieces of game music. Below you find the theme of Morrowind and “Still alive” from Portal. [Via synthetic orchestra]
YouTube user MrSolidSnake745 released a couple of videos playing music on floppy drives. The videos below are Derezzed from Daft Punk and the Battlefield 1942 Theme, but you can find a lot more on...
The guys from Random Encounters (known for various game musical songs) created a song featuring our friend Ezio Auditore from Assassins Creed. [Via YouTube]