Fan made Pac-Man Movie
Director James Farr created a very nice about the Polymorphic Autonomous Compound MANipulator or simply PAC-MAN, a secret government project. [Via comicsalliance]
Director James Farr created a very nice about the Polymorphic Autonomous Compound MANipulator or simply PAC-MAN, a secret government project. [Via comicsalliance]
Japanese dance group Wrecking Crew Orchestra performs in electroluminescent suits for a distinctly Tron-like effect. Below you find a five-minute performance of this dance group. [Via laughingsquid]
The creators of the movie Prometheus started a viral campaign to promote the movie. This campaign also contains a TED Talk of the future by one of the characters. Considered a seminal moment in...
YouTuber Belatedmedia asks, “What if Star Wars Episode I was actually good?” and then goes on to explain in great detail how that would even be possible. [via reddit]
In the video below, John Cleese responds to some of the comments posted to videos on the Monty Python YouTube channel. [Via TheMarySue]
Animator Evan Seitz created the short ABCinema, an animated alphabet in film that quizzes your movie knowledge.
YouTube user PistolShrimps made Star Wars fan fiction movie, wherein he kills the most hated Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks. Enjoy! [Via toplessrobot]
You may know Lindsay Sterling for her beautiful Legend of Zelda violin medley and the incredibly well done but also the slightly goofy music video she did for it. Well, Lindsay’s back with a...