Category: Humor
Elderly and the iPad
Daughter: “So, Dad, how are you getting along with the new iPad we got you for your birthday?” Dad: “Good” Daughter: “And you’re getting along with all those apps?” Dad: “What apps? Can you...
SuriTV [Yet Another Siri Parody]
Tripp and Tyler created a parody video that shows what happens if Apple ported Siri to TV. [Via laughingsquid]
Batman’s Night Out
Batman went for a nice night out in Toronto, where he then shouted things like “MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!” and “IT’S FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!” at random strangers. [Via @torontobatman]
John Cleese Responds To YouTube Comments
In the video below, John Cleese responds to some of the comments posted to videos on the Monty Python YouTube channel. [Via TheMarySue]
Star Wars: Bye Bye Jar Jar
YouTube user PistolShrimps made Star Wars fan fiction movie, wherein he kills the most hated Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks. Enjoy! [Via toplessrobot]