Author: MomentOfGeekiness

Angry Birds the Musical

Angry Birds the Musical

Random Encounters made another game related musical song. This time the Angry Birds are singing a song about egg-stealing pigs. Thanks for the tip, EMC!

Cube Land [Music Video]

Cube Land [Music Video]

A lot of Minecraft related content got released this weekend , because of the official release of Minecraft. A good example is the song Cube Land by Laura Shigihara. [Via ToplessRobot]

Doctor Who Christmas Special [Trailer]

Doctor Who Christmas Special [Trailer]

The trailer for the Dr. Who Christmas special “The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe” got released by the BBC. It looks great, but we still have to wait more than month to see...

Minecraft Rap [Music Video]

Minecraft Rap [Music Video]

In about one hour Minecraft will be officially released at Minecon in Las Vegas. For the occasion rapper Dan Bull created an rap about Minecraft. [Via YouTube]

11-11-11 on Twitter

11-11-11 on Twitter

Remember the last binary date of this century? This is what it looked like on Twitter: [Via geekosystem]

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