Author: MomentOfGeekiness

3 Ways Games Are Good For You

Cam from GameSpot scours the latest scientific research for positive news stories about playing video games, and comes back with three fascinating results for us. [via gamespot]


Internet Memes in Slow Motion

Youtube teamed up with Gav and Dan to recreate some of the memes you would regularly find on the internet in super slow mo. [via theslowmoguys]

The World’s First Real Hoverboard

The World’s First Real Hoverboard

Hendo Hover is introducing the world’s first REAL hoverboard and hover developer kit, which is of course inspired by a certain 80’s movie. Their Kickstarter is already $71,534 after just 12 hours and already...

Early Copyright History

The new 7 minute episode of the Copy-Me webseries is all about early copyright history, censorship, state and church control, angry queens, and, of course, the printing press. [via copyme]

100 Amazing Facts

John Green has 100 facts for you in this weeks Mental Floss. [via mentalfloss]

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