Author: MomentOfGeekiness

Minecraft FPS

Minecraft FPS

Are you getting tired of building structures in Minecraft? In that case you should give Minecraft First Person Shooter a try. In this game you don’t use a sword to kill creepers, but a...

How green is your Internet?

How green is your Internet?

When you use the internet have you thought just how much energy you’re using? This story may give you some idea of just how much energy the wired world sucks down. This was made...

Lego Nyan Cat

Lego Nyan Cat

Youtube user JoelEdition used roughly 600 bricks of 12 different colors, a ton of patience and a lot of calculations to create the first faithful reproduction of Nyan Cat, made entirely of LEGO blocks!...

Airport Speedrun

Airport Speedrun

US Airways said Freddie Wong and Brandon Laatsch couldn’t make their connecting flight in 15 minutes. They put on their Heeleys and proved them wrong. [Via Geekosystem]

For the geek dads

For the geek dads

A little Father’s day present for all the geek dads reading this blog, it’s a dad’s life:

I need your opinion

I need your opinion

Today Moment of Geekiness is 100 days old. In this 100 days: 100 posts were published (yes, this is #100) 117 people are following MoG on Twitter 4 people liked our Facebook page (might...

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